Saturday, November 14, 2009


A-Math ; that stack of questions -.-
Biology ; Nothing ? (in my memory)
Chemistry ; Ten-Year-Series & that FT worksheet :)
E-Math ; 3 or 4 stacks of exam papers
Elective Lit ; that worksheet on A sound of Thunder ? (Idk about Full Lit :D Unless it's th same ayeeee )
English ; HAHA I really don't know :D:D:D I lost that paper
Geography : Nothing ? (in my memory)
HCL : 4 jianbaos & lol that freaking test .
Physics ; Journal or worksheets aye ? Idk seriously >:(
SS ; SBQ or SEQ question ? Idk :P

Okey that's it , I think .. Well at least that's what I remember :D