Friday, July 10, 2009

20th Post :D

20th post of our dear class blog! Hurray!
Err okay.. Everyone remember to do homework, english homework by Ms Tay and Ms Lee, and have you handed in your physics? Have you handed in Chemistry? Have you handed in.. PE? Oh and work hard for your orals if you havent had them yet, and good luck if you had.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

3T1 status-dead

currently everything is quite dead.

form teacher broke her promise
replacement teacher like &(^*&%^

and soon soon everyone will go crazy..

yes so it is time tritiums. start mugging.

olevel next year. OWNAGE

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

another vain attempt. hm but really is this blog like of no use at all ? i mean, its supposed to be like.. argh nevermind have a nice day.