Hello teeone humans.
I actually decided to come here to post some random stuffs plainly because I'm bored. Alright I know I need to hand in my dumbass letter tomorrow (HMT) but never mind there's still some sparetime for me to crap.
I personally think that 3T1 is a class full of friendly people (like me)(Ignore words in bracket). From what I heard from my friend, she said our class seems to have some class spirit or something O_O Okay I'm not really sure about that but quite glad t hear so. Lolol, three weeks only leh already have class spirit (what she claimed) alr not bad loh. Maybe some classes still have internal war or something you will never know :)
Alright other than that, tomorrow is th CNY Celebration. Time to get angpao liao. And we must go around some random blocks to give what? Mandarin oranges? Can we get some red packets in return or something. I hope so, but it's not realistic lah. It does not happen in th real world. Reality -.- ROSIE thing dots.
YAY MY CCA GOING TO PERFORM TOMORROW! Which equals to LeEn/Huimin/Sherlyn/Khengyi/Qingxi CCA. Woah so many CO peeps in 3T1 yay hooray. I have not include any PRC Scholars yet leh! Woah CO owns T1 liao lol. LOLOLOLOL Actually th main point is to cheer for us. And Im here to promote CO to our fellow scholars. Aiyah I know you guys already chose your ideal CCA but I'm still able to promote one right! Cause you may suddenly want to turn into a very elegant person and join CO. 'Cause I think knowing how to play chinese instrument is a very elegant thing :D Oh yeah cheer for Mel too, she's th emcee. Not to forget about Zhangwei too :)
Last but not least, ENJOY TH FOUR AND HALF DAY OF HOLIDAYYY! :) OH YEAH HAPPAYE BIRTHDAY TO SHIJIA ON 27TH :) I don't know if she's going to see this but it's th thoughts that it counts woohoohooo ~
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